Oct 16 – 19, 2016
Copenhagen University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The unified software package Sonix+. Analysis of development experience

Oct 17, 2016, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
Marble Hall (Copenhagen University)

Marble Hall

Copenhagen University

Thorvaldsensvej 40
Board: 1
Poster Posters


Dr Andrey Kirilov (FLNP of JINR)


The software package Sonix + (Sonix) / 1 / developed as a unified control software for neutron instgruments. It has been in operation since 1995. Currently it is used at instruments of the IBR-2 (FLNP, JINR), as well at some instruments at other centers of the Russian Federation (totaly about 20 installations). Though the main ideas of the Sonix + are largely similar to the decisions taken at other centers of the NOBUGS community, the consideration of specific needs and traditions prevailing at the FLNP, had substantial influence at the structure of the complex, and some implementation decisions. This applies, for example, the choice for the operating system of instrument control computer, implementation details of so-called "database" - parameter storage with fast access for intermodule communication, a graphical user interface, choice of the spectra recording format, etc. During the long period of exploitation the complex was developed, it has been added new components and has been changed to the new requirements. This led, in particular, to the adjustment of a number of initial decisions, and to a certain eclecticism. Some implemented features have unclaimed, and others, on the contrary, have required further development. This presentation is devoted to a detailed review of all these issues. /1/ http://sonix.jinr.ru/wiki/doku.php?id=en:index

Primary author

Dr Andrey Kirilov (FLNP of JINR)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
