Leonid Flaks
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
**From the Dream to Reality: Macromolecular Crystallography at NSLS2 System Administrator View.**
*Leon Flaks*
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg 741, NSLS2 BNL Upton, NY 11973 USA
Back in 2014 we reported our plans for macromolecular crystallography at NOBUGS 2014. Now it is time to discuss what we have accomplished since that time. Two MX beamlines have seen first light, first samples got measured and we are going through commissioning with operations scheduled to start at the end of this calendar year. We have a new Eiger detector delivered and installed. Computational cluster has its first 10 nodes operational and is growing. About 1PB storage array is up with GPFS file system available and direct link to the beamlines with 40G network interfaces.
As we progress towards operations more improvements are underway: workstations network links are upgraded to 10G, fast buffer storage based on PCI with low latency will be added soon. SSD-based storage arrays are under consideration also.
Email corresponding author: flaks@bnl.gov
Primary author
Leonid Flaks
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)