Jacob Filik
(Diamond Light Source)
DAWN is a free, multiplatform, open source, data analysis workbench built from the core mathematical and visualisation components of Diamond’s data acquisition software GDA (Generic Data Acquisition). Over the last few years, major new features have been added to DAWN to attempt to meet the diverse data processing requirements across the beamlines at Diamond, initially focusing on 2D powder diffraction/small angle scattering (PXRD/SAXS) experiments. The aim of these new features is to lower the barriers to new users, improve the provenance of processed data and give a consistent data processing experience across the PXRD/SAXS beamlines. Currently a headless version of DAWN is being tested for automatic data processing of these experiments. The new Single-Write-Multiple-Read (SWMR) feature of the HDF5 file format allows the data processing to read the data from the file as it is being written, allowing near real time processing. The decoupled architecture of the DAWN processing framework allows all the processing steps currently available to work seamless with SWMR, with near real-time processing successfully tested on several beamlines.
Primary author
Jacob Filik
(Diamond Light Source)
Alun Ashton
(Diamond Light Source)
Mark Basham
(Diamond Light Source)
Peter Chang
(Diamond Light Source)