Takeshi Nakatani
Neutron and muon experimental instruments in Materials and Life science experimental Facility (MLF), Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) carry out many kinds of measurements and produce an enormous number of experimental data, such as raw data and metadata representing measurement conditions, by a lot of external users from not only academic but also industry. It is important to be user-friendly and automated control software to perform efficient measurements. We have developed the MLF standard instrument control software framework, called “IROHA2”. IROHA2 consists of four core software components, i.e. *the device control server* to control and monitor each device, *the instrument management server* to authenticate a user, manage a measurement and configure an instrument setup, *the sequence management server* to do an automatic measurement and *the integrate control server* to unify instrument control and monitoring. Because each software component of IROHA2 has a web interface, we are able to use its all functions under multi-platform environment via a web browser. IROHA2 is also connected to and cooperated with several other systems which are the experimental status system, the MLF integrated authentication system and the MLF business database. We will realize that the users in MLF can do “logbook-less” experiments by IROHA2.
In this presentation, we will show the detail of the architecture and implementation method of our control software framework.
Primary author
Takeshi Nakatani
Kentaro Moriyama
(Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society)
Takayoshi Ito
(Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society)
Yasuhiro Inamura
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Peer reviewing
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