Andy Gotz
10/17/16, 10:50 AM
Oral Contribution
by Alex de Maria, Armando Solé, and Andy Gotz on behalf of the ESRF Data Policy Implementation Team
The ESRF, the European Synchroton, has recently adopted a Data Policy which will archive all data collected at the ESRF for 10 years and be made freely available as Open Data after an initial embargo period of 3 years (can be extended on request). Currently the ESRF produces 2 PBs of raw data...
Stephen M Fisher
10/17/16, 11:10 AM
Oral Contribution
The ICAT project provides a metadata catalogue and related components to support Large Facility experimental data and aspires to link all aspects of the research chain from proposal through to publication and can also be used to provide an implementation of a data policy as has been done at a number of facilities using ICAT.
Over the last couple of years, the existing components of ICAT...
Frazer Barnsley
10/17/16, 11:30 AM
Oral Contribution
Modern instruments and detectors are capable of capturing large amounts of data in one scan, and experiments are becoming more sophisticated, with multiple techniques applied at once or dynamic structures such as chemical reactions being recorded. Data volumes have now grown so large that in many cases it is simply not practical for users to transport the data to their home institution. In...
Martin Rehr
(Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
10/17/16, 11:50 AM
Oral Contribution
The Image Data Management System (IDMS) is a platform for data management, data analysis and data visualization. Storing, processing and visualizing scientific image data-sets is a challenge because the data streams from the large X-Ray and neutron facilities increase at a rate exceeding the rate in which generic disk drives grow. Furthermore processing and visualizing these image data-sets...
Milan Prica
10/17/16, 12:10 PM
Oral Contribution
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste comprises Elettra synchrotron and FERMI free-electron laser. Combined, the two facilities serve 34 beamlines. The Scientific Computing Team supports the full data lifecycle. Proposal submission and evaluation are handled in the Virtual Unified Office. Data acquisition and experimental control are built on top of the TANGO control system on all but the oldest...
Nicholas Schwarz
(Argonne National Laboratory)
10/17/16, 12:30 PM
Mini Oral
Demands for increased computing at synchrotron facilities are driven by new scientific opportunities often enabled by technological advances in detectors, as well as advances in data analysis algorithms. These advances generate larger amounts of data, which in turn require more computing power in order to obtain near real-time results. An example where advances in computation are critical is...