Mikel Eguiraun
10/18/16, 10:40 AM
Oral Contribution
The MXCuBE project started in 2005 at ESRF [1], with the objective of providing crystallography beamlines’ users an easy-to-use software platform to run their experiments. The current MXCuBE is based on PyQt, however the usage of old PyQt libraries, as well as the lack of a clear separation between the application control logic and the graphical layer makes it very difficult to maintain,...
Simon Gregor Ebner
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
10/18/16, 11:00 AM
Oral Contribution
A new Data Acquisition system is being developed and commissioned for the upcoming FEL at PSI. This system is based on several novel concepts and technologies, and it targets at immediate data availability and online processing.
The system is capable of assembling an overall data view of the whole machine thanks to the distributed and scalable buffering back-end. Load on data sources is...
Sergey Stepanov
(Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA)
10/18/16, 11:20 AM
Oral Contribution
Fast detectors revolutionize many operations at macromolecular crystallography beamlines, from introducing shutterless data collection and on-the-fly rastering scans to new standards for beamline stability, detector-goniometer synchronization at 100Hz data collection, and new ways to display data (e.g. plotting spots count in addition to visual inspection of individual frames). Fast crystal...
Frederick Akeroyd
10/18/16, 11:40 AM
Oral Contribution
Instrument control at ISIS is in the process of migrating from a mainly locally developed LabVIEW based system to an EPICS based one. The new control system, called IBEX, was initially used during commissioning of two new instruments, but is now being used on production systems. We will cover the architecture and design of the new control system, our choices of technologies, current status,...
Elena Litvinenko
10/18/16, 12:00 PM
Oral Contribution
A detector group of a neutron center has to solve daily a variety of non-typical tasks. These tasks may appear due to the configuration and commissioning of detectors, search for causes of faults, or with the development of new methodologies and the preparation of new types of experiments. That is why the requirements to the software from the detector group are specific and varied. The user...