Lund is a historical city, noted for its cobbled streets and green open spaces.
The central skyline is dominated by the 55m tall Romanesque cathedral. This has been present in Lund since building started in 1085 and the oldest part was inaugurated in 1123. Of particular interest is the astronomical clock, dating from 1425 and telling not only the time, but the zodiac signs and the phases of the moon as well as chiming three times a day with a scene of the three wise men presenting their gifts to the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus.
There are several museums including Kulturen, Skissernas and The Lund University Historical Museum all within easy walking distance of the conference. Further afield you’ll find the Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö.
Although you may not know Sweden for its wonderful coast line, there are beaches not to be missed. In fact, closest to Lund are the beaches in Lomma and Bjärred, and Ribersborg, the city beach in Malmö. However there are plenty of options for finding white sandy beaches and sea swimming within reach of Lund that are well worth seeking out.
And of course Lund is just 40 minutes on the train from Copenhagen Central station where you can visit Tivoli Gardens and lots more.
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