2nd Meeting of the ESS Target Technical Board

Cassiopeja (Hilton Meetings, Copenhagen Airport)


Hilton Meetings, Copenhagen Airport

Terminal 3, 4th Floor
John Haines (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
    • Coffee and Registration
    • Welcome

      Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting/Introductory Remarks

      Convener: John Haines (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
    • ESS Overview
      Convener: Roland Garoby (European Spallation Source ESS)
    • Target Project Overview
      Convener: Eric Pitcher (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
    • 10:20
    • Target Systems

      WBS 12.2 incl. TIK 2.1

      Conveners: Fernando Sordo (ESS Bilbao), Ulf Odén (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
    • Moderator and Reflector Systems

      WBS 12.3 incl. TIK 3.1 and 3.2

      Conveners: Daniel Lyngh (European Spallation Source ESS AB), Prof. Michael Butzek (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
    • 12:00
    • Monolith Systems

      WBS 12.4 incl. TIK 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.9

      Conveners: Fernando Sordo (ESS Bilbao), Mr Rikard Linander (ESS), Roberto Senesi (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
    • Fluid Systems: WBS 12.5

      WBS 12.5

      Convener: Dr Håkan Carlsson (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
    • Target Controls

      WBS 12.7

      Convener: Dr Linda Coney (ESS)
    • Target Physics

      WBS 12.8 incl. TIK 8.1

      Conveners: Günter Muhrer (European Spallation Source ESS AB), Prof. Xiaolin Hou (Technical University of Denmark, Center for Nuclear Technologies)
    • Remote Handling Systems

      WBS 12.6 incl. TIK 6.1

      Conveners: Magnus Göhran (European Spallation Source ESS AB), Martin Townsend (UKAEA)
    • Meeting Wrap-Up
      Convener: John Haines (European Spallation Source ESS AB)