Instrumentation and Methods
- Andrew Jackson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
Franz Adlmann
(Uppsala Universitet)
30/05/2016, 14:20
Neutron reflectivity techniques offer several unique opportunities in materials research. However the possibility to fully take advantage of the data being taken depends entirely on the software available for analysis and visualization.
This limitation becomes obvious in terms of accessing off-specular data in momentum transfer space [1]. This is a specific capability, which has been proven...
Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner
(Technische Universität München)
30/05/2016, 14:40
Thin magnetic layers and heterostructures are the basic building blocks of a large number of magneto-electronic devices.
While the structural characterisation of thin films during growth by various techniques is common practice (as e.g. commonly done by RHEED/LEED, STM or synchrotron radiation), the in-situ measurement of the magnetic properties of films using (polarised) neutron...