May 31, 2016 to June 2, 2016
Lund, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The increased consumer demand for safe, healthy and environmentally friendly food have made it more necessary than ever to understand the complex structure of food and food ingredients and how they are affected by processing and digestion.

This has increased the demand for more sophisticated non-destructive analysis techniques, such as neutron and x-ray scattering. Scattering techniques have been used to reveal the structure of casein micelles in milk, food protein structures in bulk and at interfaces, as well as emulsion structures.

In order to explore the opportunity these techniques offer, the international user community has initiated a series of conference “Neutrons and Food”, with the first meeting in Sydney 2010 (, Delft in 2012 ( and Paris in 2014 ( While the conference series focusses on the use of neutron techniques, there is a strong synergy with the application of x-ray and light scattering methods and previous meetings have discussed a wider range of techniques.

The 4th International Conference on Neutrons and Food will be held in Lund on 31st May – 2 June 2016. The conference welcomes participants and contributions from the wider community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as scattering.

In particular we aim to have a mixture of talks from food scientists and technologists with problems where scattering methods may be applicable, as well as talks from those already using scattering, and presentation of methods that are available.

The primary goal of the meeting is to bring together the food community with the scattering community to see how they can work together to solve problems.

Both oral and poster presentation are welcome.

Speakers & Programme

The preliminary programme can be found here

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Dr. John van Duynhoven (Unilever)
  • Dr. Grethe Vestergaard Jensen (Copenhagen University)
  • Dr. Alan Mackie (Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK)
  • Prof. Michael Rappolt (Leeds University)
  • Prof. John White (The Australian National University - SNSS joint speaker)

There will also be a dedicated session, which is the final meeting of the project entitled  ’New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food’ (NEXIM), which is lead by Robert Krarup Feidenhans’l at Copenhagen University. This session is included in the registration fee for the Neutrons and Food participants.

The ongoing construction of two major research facilities in Lund, namely the European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Max IV synchrotron, provide new opportunities for applications to food related studies.

The conference will start at lunchtime on the 31st May and finish on 2 of June.

There will be a tour of the MAX IV Lab and the ESS construction site for those interested together with participants from the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society (SNSS) Annual meeting shortly after lunch on 31 May.

You can find out more about the SNSS Annual meeting on the Indico page here.

Registration Fee

Registration for Neutrons and Food includes free registration for the SNSS Annual Meeting.

  • Full fee : 295€
  • Student fee : 195€


NEXIM is supported by Innovation Fund Denmark (previously The Danish Council for Strategic Research).

This year's meeting is supported by VR ( and by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institute for Physics.

Support from the European Spallation Source includes reduced registration fees for students.


Organising Committee

  • Prof. Tommy Nylander (Lund University)
  • Dr. Andrew Jackson (European Spallation Source & Lund University)
  • Prof. Robert Feidenhans'l (Copenhagen University)
  • Dr. Niklas Loren (SP Food and Bioscience)
  • Zsuzsa Helyes (European Spallation Source)


Lund, Sweden
Palaestra Nedre
Paradisgatan 4 Lund, Sweden