Information Session on High Power Klystron Modulators for the European Spallation Source

ESS held an information session with regards Medium Beta Klystron Modulators on Thursday 22 September 2016 from 10:30 to 15:00 in ESS premises in Lund. The objective of this session was to inform the market regarding technical and commercial updates based on the conclusions obtained from the market consultation held last 27 October 2015 in Paris. This information session was organized within the framework of a future procurement procedure for the design, manufacturing, testing, and delivery of 9 klystron modulators for the ESS Medium Beta Linac rated for 660kVA according to the SML (Stacked Multi-Level) topology and ESS design. The modulators shall deliver an output pulse voltage of 115kV, output pulse current of 100A with a pulse width if 3.5ms and a pulse repetition rate of 14Hz. Delivery of first unit is foreseen for December 2017 and of the remaining 8 units as from April/May 2018 until December 2018. Interested parties can find relevant information presented during the session here.
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