BrightnESS Closing Conference

Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium

BrightnESS Closing Conference which will take place at the Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts in Brussels on 22 June 2018.

The Closing Conference will demonstrate the impact of BrightnESS, the 3-year project funded within the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. Set-up to support The European Spallation Source, one of the largest research infrastructure projects being built in Europe today, BrightnESS has not only successfully addressed some of the key challenges faced by ESS, such as detector development and management of in-kind contributions, but also played a vital role in reinforcing the collaborative spirit between our Member and Observer Countries and our partner organisations from across the ERA. 

The Closing Conference is an opportunity to share and celebrate this success with all our stakeholders, including representatives from the European Commission, the 18 project consortium partners, ESS management and governance, as well as all the ESS partners, stakeholders and broader neutron science community.

The programme will include panels on the European Neutron Landscape, Technological Innovation and In-kind Contributions and the ERIC Framework. This occasion will provide a platform to showcase the significance of BrightnESS and long-term sustainability effects on ESS, its partner organisations and the wider research community while facilitating networking opportunities among partners and stakeholders. 


    • Registration and Welcome Coffee Galerie de Marbre

      Galerie de Marbre

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • European Research Infrastructures - Enablers for Great Science and Innovation
      Convener: Jean-David Malo (DG Research and Innovation, European Commission)
    • Welcome and Opening Salle du Trône

      Salle du Trône

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • How Brightness helped deliver the European Spallation Source
      Convener: John Womersley (Director-general, ESS)
    • Socio-economic Impact Assessment - Piloting for the OECD Framework
      Convener: Vincent Mangematin (Dean & Chief Academic Officer, KEDGE Business School)
    • The European Neutron Landscape Salle du Trône

      Salle du Trône

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • The European Neutron Landscape: Key Note
      Convener: Caterina Petrillo (Chair in Experimental Physics, University of Perugia)
    • The European Neutron Landscape: Key Note: LENS - The League of Advanced European Neutron Sources
      Convener: Helmut Schober (ILL)
    • The European Neutron Landscape: Panel Discussion
      Conveners: Andreas WISCHNEWSKI (Head of department "ESS Instrumentation", Forschungszentrum Jülich), Caterina Petrillo (Chair in Experimental Physics, University of Perugia), Christiane Alba-Simionesco (President, European Neutron Scattering Association), Helmut Schober (Director, ILL), Moderator: John Womersley (Director-General, ESS)
    • Coffee break Galerie de Marbre

      Galerie de Marbre

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • Technological Innovation Salle du Trône

      Salle du Trône

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • Technological Innovation: Key note
      Conveners: Richard Hall-Wilton (Detector Group Leader, ESS), Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • Technological Innovation: Panel Discussion
      Conveners: Giovanna Davatz (CMO, Arktis Radiation Detectors Ltd, Switzerland), Moderator: Andreas Schreyer (Director for Science, ESS), Richard Hall-Wilton (Detector Group Leader, ESS), Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC), Tom Griffin (Computing Group Leader, STFC), Zeitelhack Karl (Technical University of Munich / Chair of International Collaboration on Neutron Detectors)
    • Lunch Galerie de Marbre

      Galerie de Marbre

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • In-kind Contributions and the ERIC Framework Salle du Trône

      Salle du Trône

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
    • In-kind Contributions and the ERIC Framework: Key Note
      Convener: Allen Weeks (Associate Director, Extreme Light Infrastructure DC)
    • In-kind Contributions and the ERIC Framework: Panel Discussion
      Conveners: Jean-David Malo (DG RTD, European Commission), László Rosta (Wigner Research Centre for Physics), Moderator: [TBC] Lars Börjesson (Chairman, ESS Council), Paolo Centore (VAT Expert Group set up by Diretor-General for Taxation and Customs Union), Petr Lukáš (Director Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS), Weeks Allen (Associate Director, Extreme Light Infrastructure DC)
    • Outlook and Wrap-up Salle du Trône

      Salle du Trône

      Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts

      Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale) Brussels, Belgium
      Convener: John Womersley (Director-general, ESS)