The LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project aims at making the injector chains of the LHC capable of supplying the high intensity and high brightness beams requested by the High-Luminosity LHC. In addition to the construction of a new linear accelerator, the project comprises major upgrades and renovations of five existing accelerators and related surface buildings. From the Safety point of view, the objective is to maintain the present level of Safety for the people and the environment and whenever possible or required, to improve it. The major milestones to ensure this objective are the completion of the safety documentation together with the check of the compliance of the equipment and facilities to the CERN rules and regulation during the different steps of the project. Due to its extent, the project has been divided in fifteen Safety Packages (SP). The hazards generated by the new or upgraded LIU equipment or facilities are identified, the risks induced are assessed and the appropriate mitigation measures are defined. The compliance of the equipment is checked based on the applicable safety requirements for the project that are stated in documents called ‘’Launch Safety Agreements’’ (LSA). Each LIU SP has its dedicated LSA that lists the documents to deliver at each stage of the project. Once the equipment is installed and before its operation, the CERN HSE Unit carries out initial safety inspections. The final milestones is to obtain the HSE Safety Clearance, implying that the control measures listed in the safety documentation are both implemented and functional, with respect to operational safety aspects. This phase is a prerequisite to the beam operation authorisation in the related accelerator.