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- Jose Aguilar
- Åsa Alström Johannesson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
- John E Anderson (Fermi Lab)
- Tatsuyuki Aoshima (RIKEN Safety Division)
Lars Aprin
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
- Author in Safety Training at ESS
- Art Arnalich (CERN HSE)
- Art Arnalich (CERN)
- Carlos Arregui (CERN)
Olga Beltramello
- Author in Lead Safety at CERN
- Author in NP04 Experiment and the CERN Safety Validation Process
Paul Berkvens
(ESHAC committee)
- Author in CE certification at the ESRF
- Kotaro Bessho (J-PARC (KEK))
- Kotaro BESSHO (J-PARC)
Marek Bizdra
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
- Fulvio Boattini (CERN)
- Hans-Stephan Bosch (Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
- Andriy Boychenko (CERN)
Helen Boyer
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
- Author in Incidents and Incident management @ ESS
- Anca Simona Ciobanu (DESY)
- Grant Cubbon (Canadian Light Source)
Charles Dagicour
- Co-author in A tool for CERN chemical agents – CERES
- Sven Degenkolbe (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
Letizia Di Giulio
- Author in Lead Safety at CERN
- Author in NP04 Experiment and the CERN Safety Validation Process
- Raul Fernandez Ortega (CERN)
Tomas Franek
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
- Anne Funken (CERN)
- Giordana Gai (CERN Fire Safety Engineering Team)
- Nora Grada
Jonathan Gulley
- Co-author in A tool for CERN chemical agents – CERES
Stephen Gunning
- Co-author in A tool for CERN chemical agents – CERES
- Andre Henriques (CERN)
- David Horvath (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Tetsuro ISHII (J-PARC)
- Koji Ishii (KEK/J-PARC)
- Tetsuro Ishii (J-PARC Center)
Jaroslav Kaspar
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
- Yasuo Kawabata (TOBISHIMA Corp.)
- Koji Kiriyama (CROSS)
- Sonja Kleiner (CERN)
- Saverio La Mendola (CERN HSE)
- Adrien Ledeul (CERN)
Sabine Lessmann
- Author in P61B Large Volume Press
Hana Manaskova
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
- Bert Manzlak (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility / Jefferson Lab)
Stephan Maree
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
- Carme Marmol Moreno (ALBA)
- Simon Marsh (CERN)
- Hiroaki Matsuda (TOBISHIMA Corp.)
- Yukihiro MIYAMOTO (J-PARC)
- Yukihiro Miyamoto (J-PARC Center)
- Sven Mohr (DESY)
Christian Muckle
(ESHAC Committee)
- Author in Overcoming the moodler's block
- Yoshihiro Nakane (J-PARC Center)
- Yoshihiro NAKANE (J-PARC)
- Dirk Naujoks (Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
- Veronika Olsovcova (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics ASCR)
- Thomas Otto
Petr Prochazka
(ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics CAS)
- Co-author in Radiation protection at ELI Beamlines facility
Bill Rainey
(Jefferson Lab)
- Author in Fire Protection at Jefferson Lab
- Oriol Rios (CERN HSE)
Fabian Saretzki
- Author in Reuse of older facilities
- Author in The IR Camera system in operation – first experiences
- Jörg Schacht
- Sabrina Schadegg (CERN)
Gustavo Segura
- Co-author in A tool for CERN chemical agents – CERES
- Gustavo Segura Millan (CERN)
- Brian Sherin (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mattias Skafar
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
- Author in CE Marking at ESS
- Vojtech Stransky (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics CAS)
- Shigeaki Tagashira (KANSAI Univ.)
- Kanenobu Tanaka (RIBF, Safety management group, RIKEN, JAPAN)
- Roman Trunecek (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Andrea Tsinganis (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Roberto Versaci (ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics, CAS)
- Reinhardt Vilbrandt (Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
- Detlef Wieseler (Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
- Owain Williams (CERN)
- Owain Williams (CERN)
- Axel Winter (Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)