A serious injury during machining work occurred at J-PARC in August 2018. A contractor worker was manufacturing experimental parts for magnetic field measurements using a milling machine. When the worker was brushing off the machining dust by hand with wearing gloves, a finger of his right hand was caught in the rotating mill and got serious injury. Taking the accident, the J-PARC Center set up the working group for investigating the root causes of the incident and the preventative measures to ensure safety of the works, not only for machining works.
There were several problems in this work. Furthermore, the team members could not caution the injured worker although they perceived the work was done under unsafe condition. These inadequate actions were caused by lack of concentration on the work and insufficient skill for safety confirmation.
The main countermeasures are (1) confirmation of assignments of the tasks for each team member before beginning the work, (2) introduction and application of the dress code at each workplace, and (3) continuation and developments of the hazard training based on experience. Further, the expert group on machining work was set up in the J-PARC Center. The expert group prepared the safety guideline for machining work, which must be followed by all the J-PARC members. The group also implemented the mutual inspection of workplaces for machining work and gave technical suggestions to the workplace managers. Various efforts for safety in J-PARC are also reported.