Safety Culture & Behaviour
- John E Anderson (Fermi Lab)
RIKEN Safety Management Division is in charge of safety management of research involving chemicals, high pressure gas, animals, microorganisms, radioactive isotopes, and the like. Our mission includes providing researchers with safety guidelines against disasters such as earthquake, as Japan is an earthquake-prone country.
An earthquake causes serious damage. Japan has the second highest...
The Worker-Management Health and Safety Committee is an important tool in supporting a strong health and safety culture at the Canadian Light Source. Required under Canadian legislation, Canadian companies must ensure the committee fulfills certain minimum requirements such as regular meetings and facility inspections. The mandatory committee structure creates a forum where workers and...
In order to ensure the safe operation of the facilities, various activities of safety management, fostering safety culture and safety education/training have been promoted in J-PARC.
In this presentation, activities about general safety shown below are introduced.
1) Management system of general safety: Committee, Expert group, Risk management (Check and review), Safety patrol
2) Safety...
Students at Jefferson Lab are not considered to have sufficient practical work experience or hazard-recognition skills for the equipment or processes to which they may be exposed. They require on-the-job observation and coaching to a greater degree than would a new employee with prior experience. Students are assigned a Mentor while at Jefferson Lab. Mentors are expected to inform Students of...