Plan the workshop, last touches on agenda, how to follow COVID rules
Jira Workflow (improve and sign off on confluence document)
Best Practises around tickets and agile
How to integrate GitHub issues
Matt - The Python Side
MHS - C++ experience
Discussion: What should the rules achieve, how strictly should they be enforced?
Specific rules or changes to them:
80 char limit
What should the focus on, what are they supposed to achieve?
How do we make this a cool process?
What are hard requirements, what are softer goals?
10 min presentation + discussion
attacking them one at a time
Discussion in groups
Topics could be
* knowledge sharing within the group
* communication with the rest of NSS, DMSC, Science, TD, instrument teams, etc
* better or more obvious planning
* attempting to look more agile (or less)
* clearer or blurrier delineation of responsibilities
* missing competencies or responsibilities in the group or around us
What should we have done instead of this for the last two days?
Should we run this again?
What else should we do as a group for fun and profit?