Oct 16 – 19, 2016
Copenhagen University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The ILL Joins the Mantid Project

Oct 18, 2016, 9:50 AM
Marble Hall (Copenhagen University)

Marble Hall

Copenhagen University

Thorvaldsensvej 40
Oral Contribution Keynote Tuesday


Dr Ian Bush (Tessella / ILL)


At the ILL LAMP (Large Array Manipulation Program) [1] has been the primary package responsible for data reduction for over 20 years. LAMP is based on IDL, so works across multiple platforms, and provides a graphical user interface and scripting capabilities for data treatment. It provides support for most of the instruments at ILL, having the ability to handle data produced at the ILL since its creation. In order to facilitate ease of use and the standardisation of neutron data reduction software across many facilities worldwide, a decision has been made to phase out LAMP and bring in Mantid [2] as the main tool for the data treatment. The Mantid Framework is a cross-platform and easy-to-extend package providing both GUI and python scripting capabilities for complex data manipulation. Mantid has been in use for some time at ISIS and the SNS, and the ESS will also use it for all data reduction. A number of advantages are foreseen in adopting Mantid, such as well established distributed development practices, and the presence of much of the data reduction functionality that exists in LAMP. In addition, it will also provide a more consistent user experience for users undertaking experiments at different facilities. Within the Mantid Project, there are many example of collaborative sub-projects, allowing several facilities to contribute to, and benefit from combined effort. The current Mantid adoption project started in May 2016 at the ILL, and builds on previous work undertaken during a project to explore using Mantid in principle. The 3-year long project involves a team of 3 new developers, plus a developer for one year with existing Mantid experience, under the Computing for Science Group at the ILL. The objective is to provide a smooth transition from LAMP to Mantid by providing Mantid support for most of the instruments at the ILL by the end of the project. In this talk we will present the progress made thus far in using Mantid on Time-of-Flight spectroscopy (IN4, IN5 and IN6) and Backscattering (IN16B) instruments at the ILL. We will discuss some of the differences in approach between LAMP and Mantid and the challenges faced along the way. We will also share the future plans for the project to address the other technique areas used at the ILL, and to support instruments with moving detectors at the ILL. [1] https://www.ill.eu/instruments-support/computing-for-science/cs-software/all-software/lamp/the-lamp-book/ [2] http://www.mantidproject.org/

Primary authors

Dr Antti Soininen (ILL) Dr Gagik Vardanyan (ILL) Dr Ian Bush (Tessella / ILL) Mrs Verena Reimund (ILL)

Presentation materials