Adam Tornhill
(Empear AB)
10/18/16, 8:30 AM
Oral Contribution
In this keynote you'll learn novel techniques that help you make sense of large codebases. You'll learn to identify the code that really matters for your ability to maintain a codebase, how to prioritize improvements and even evaluate your architecture based on how you actually work with the code. We'll also cover the people side of programming as you learn to mine social information such as...
Thomas Proffen
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
10/18/16, 9:30 AM
Oral Contribution
Scientific publications are and will remain the primary source to measure scientific impact. However, the simple metric of publications, citations and journals impact is largely ignoring societal impact and becomes increasingly inappropriate for facilities, application developers or primary scientific data [1]. Principles of Open Access are more and more extended towards scientific data,...
Ian Bush
(Tessella / ILL)
10/18/16, 9:50 AM
Oral Contribution
At the ILL LAMP (Large Array Manipulation Program) [1] has been the primary package responsible for data reduction for over 20 years. LAMP is based on IDL, so works across multiple platforms, and provides a graphical user interface and scripting capabilities for data treatment. It provides support for most of the instruments at ILL, having the ability to handle data produced at the ILL since...