16–19 Oct 2016
Copenhagen University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

"Manyo-Lib" Object-Oriented Data Analysis Framework for Neutron Scattering

17 Oct 2016, 17:00
1h 30m
Marble Hall (Copenhagen University)

Marble Hall

Copenhagen University

Thorvaldsensvej 40
Board: 33
Poster Posters


Dr Jiro Suzuki (KEK, J-PARC)


We report the current status of data-analysis software environment at Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). MLF is a user facility which provides neutron and muon sources for experiments. The basic concept of analysis environment for the neutron scattering instruments is to provide a software framework that has common and generic analysis functionalities for neutron scattering experiments. The framework, “Manyo Library” is a C++ class library which can be worked on Python environment. Manyo-Lib is a software infrastructure and provides the libraries for building data input/output functions, data-analysis functions, and network-distributed data processing environment, etc. User's applications software and data-analysis software have been developed for each instrument by adopting the framework. The 20 neutron-scattering spectrometers have been installed to MLF, and the data-analysis softwares developed on Manyo-Library are working on the 16 spectrometers. Raw data files in the event-data format are filled into two- or three-dimensional histograms with error values constructed on the data containers. Many data-analysis operators for the histograms, the four arithmetic operations and so on, with error propagations are prepared, and the operators are working with OpenMP(http://openmp.org/wp/). The histogram data in the containers can be converted into NeXus format files (http://www.nexusformat.org/). In FY 2015 and 2016 we have increased the efficiency of the data conversion, and we will show the result in the presentation.

Primary author

Dr Jiro Suzuki (KEK, J-PARC)


Dr Takayoshi Ito (CROSS) Dr Takeshi Nakatani (J-PARC) Prof. Toshiya Otomo (KEK, J-PARC) Dr Yasuhiro Inamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
