Imaging and Tomography: New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food
- Elliot Gilbert (ANSTO)
Imaging and Tomography: New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food
- Robert Feidenhansl (University of Copenhagen)
Robert Feidenhansl
(University of Copenhagen)
01/06/2016, 11:15
The Danish food industry is known for making high quality products. In order to maintain this reputation it is important to keep increasing food safety and quality.
These requirements motivate the collaboration of researchers working with x-ray and computing, members of the food industry, and members of the sensor system industry.
The goal of the project is to improve the detectability...
Rikke Miklos
(Department of Food Science, UCPH)
01/06/2016, 11:30
R. Miklos1, M.S. Nielsen2, H. Einarsdottír3, R. Lametsch1.
1Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg C, Denmark
2 Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
3 Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Application of X-ray imaging within food science has so far...
Mikkel Schou Nielsen
(Danish Fundamental Metrology A/S, Lyngby, Denmark)
01/06/2016, 12:00
Extended colloidal networks are found in a variety of multi-phase food systems such as butter, chocolate, cream cheese, whipped creams, ice cream, cheese and yogurt. While composed of many of the same components, these systems display a wide range of mechanical and sensorial textural properties. Thus, focus has been to link the macroscopic properties of the food systems to the 3D...
Kasper Borg Damkjær
(University of Copenhagen, NEXIM)
01/06/2016, 13:30
X-ray transmission and dark-field imaging were used to investigate the imbibition and distribution of water in barley seeds, including structures and structural changes on the micrometer scale during a 48 hour germination period at 19°C.
With the use of dark-field imaging it was possible to observe structural changes in barley seeds during imbibition and the following germination. This was...
Randi Phinney
(Lund University)
01/06/2016, 14:00
Quantitative neutron imaging was used to investigate internal mass transport processes and drying uniformity during "Solar Assisted Pervaporation" (SAP) - a novel process for drying fruit pulps using vapour permeable, liquid water impermeable bags and solar energy. Internal mass transport was visualised and quantified by injecting D2O into a bag of apple purée and monitoring its redistribution...
Vedrana Andersen Dahl
(Technical University of Denmark)
01/06/2016, 14:30
Exact geometry is important for product development and quality control of Tetra Pak carton packages for liquid food products, leading to better performance and lower cost. For packages intended to be used with the drinking straw, the membrane covering the pre-punched straw hole has to hold the liquid content inside the package, while still allowing for an easy opening. Furthermore, wider...