- Ramune Kuktaite (Dr)
Grethe Vestergaard Jensen
(NBI, University of Copenhagen)
02/06/2016, 15:30
Neutron scattering holds a lot of relatively unexploited potential for food science, including industrial research and development. Examples of applications from the dairy industry will be presented, showing how small-angle scattering of neutrons and X-rays (SANS and SAXS) can be applied to study milk protein in the form of casein micelles.
The internal structure of casein micelles,...
Bei Tian
(Delft University of Technology)
02/06/2016, 16:10
Mild heat and shear to a 30% calcium caseinate and transglutaminase (E:S = 1:20) results in a material with distinctive fibrous structure that is arranged in a hierarchical order. Such a material can form the basis for a next generation meat analogue. It is important to understand this structuring mechanism to find the optimal ingredient ratios, process conditions and to maintain good quality...
Tommy Nylander
(Lund University)
02/06/2016, 16:35
Milk and some milk products are almost unique among foods in containing high concentrations of calcium but in spite of this have a remarkably high stability during storage and processing. The main reason for the high stability is that most of the calcium is in the form of nanoclusters of an amorphous form of calcium phosphate sequestered by casein. Recent research from our group has shown that...