Apr 26 – 27, 2017
Europe/Rome timezone
ICTP Adriatico Guesthouse, Grignano, Trieste - Italy



We will arrange a complimentary shuttle service from Trieste downtown to the Forum Venue, the Adriatico Guesthouse and return each day of the meeting.

on Wednesday the 26th of April departure 08:15

on Thursday the 27th of April departure at 08:45

Meeting point Piazza Oberdan 6

You may also reach the Adriatico Guesthouse in Grignano from Piazza Oberdan or the Railway Station by taking Bus nr 6 (towards Grignano) - tickets must be purchased in advance at the newsagent (about Euro 1,35 each way) and validated on board by the ticket machine.


The social dinner will be held on Wednesday the 26th of April 2017 at 20:00 at

Antica Ghiacceretta Restaurant
Via dei Fornelli 2 - Trieste
Tel. +39 040 3220307

It is a well renown local fish restaurant, however a suitable meat or vegetarian alternative will be available on request, please specify your needs upon registration.