CREMLIN Innovation Workshop

DTU Campus

DTU Campus

Glass Hall, Building 101 ("The Main Building"), Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

The main aim of CREMLIN Innovation Workshop, under WP8, Task 8.4 of the CREMLIN Project, is to focus on the importance of innovation and to highlight the positive impact of innovation activities in the EU-Russian cooperation at the level of Megascience facilities. The Workshop will be based on the exchange of best practice, with the main orientation to stimulate mutual learning and to identify recommendations for improving the innovation infrastructure.

To ensure the best possible results, to share their practices, the workshop shall get together experts from existing European, Russian and international platforms and initiatives with representatives from the Russian and European Megascience facilities participating in the CREMLIN project to help them strengthen the impact of their research by learning from each other how to approach various challenges of managing innovation within the domain of their respective organizations. The workshop will be focused on the innovation potential and industry collaboration possibilities for the Megascience projects, including industrial users, technology transfer and links to the regional innovation system around the Megascience facilities.

This project has has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research programme, under grant agreement No 654166.

  • Monday, October 9
    • 7:00 PM
      Workshop Dinner Meyers Madhus, Handelstorvet 10, 2800, Kogens Lygby

      Meyers Madhus, Handelstorvet 10, 2800, Kogens Lygby

      Handelstorvet 10, 2800, Kogens Lygby
  • Tuesday, October 10
    • 8:30 AM
      Bus Transfer from Scandic Eremitage to DTU Scandic Eremitage

      Scandic Eremitage

      Bus Leaves on 8:30. Please be on time

    • 8:45 AM
      Arrival at DTU SkyLab and Welcome Coffee
    • 1
      DTU SkyLab Presentation and DTU Innovation Activities DTU Skylab

      DTU Skylab

      Diplomvej, bygning 373A, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
      Speaker: Mikkel Sørensen
    • 10:00 AM
      Transfer to Workshop Conference Room and Welcome Coffee Glasshallen, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glasshallen, Building 101, DTU Campus

    • Opening & Welcome Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

    • 2
      Workshop Welcome
      Speaker: Martin Sandhop
    • 3
      Welcome from ESS Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Speaker: Allen Weeks
    • Session I: Challenges in Ongoing EU-Russian Collaborations: is Cross Border Cooperation Boost or Hindrance to the Innovation? Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Conveners: Bernard Denis, Günter Kaindl, Oleg Movsesya
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break (Walking Networking Lunch)
    • Session II: Identification of the innovation potential at the large scale research facilities Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Conveners: Aleksey Vasiljev, Alexander Petrov, Denny Droßman
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Session III: Industry Collaboration Possibilities for the Megasience Projects Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Conveners: Aleksei Altynbaev, Allen Weeks, Ed Mitchell, Gerd Schluckebier, Igor Kostykov
    • Session IV: Plenary discussion & Wrap up Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Glass Hall, Building 101, DTU Campus

      Conveners: Alexander Petrov, Jean Moulin
    • 5:30 PM
      Closing of the Workshop; Farewell
    • 5:45 PM
      Bus Transfer to Scandic Eremitage DTU


      Transfer to Klampenborgvej 230, 2800 Kogens Lyngby