Health & Safety Group, ALBA Synchrotron facility, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
ALBA is the Spanish synchrotron facility formed with a 3GeV electron synchrotron accelerator generating bright beams of synchrotron radiation, located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (near Barcelona city).
The electrons are accelerated in a 100 MeV linear accelerator (LINAC). Then, the electron beam enters in a synchrotron accelerator named Booster that increases the energy up to 3GeV. Finally, the electron beam is stored in a synchrotron Storage Ring with a current up to 400 mA emitting synchrotron radiation (mainly in the X-ray range), tangentially to the e- trajectory. Around the Tunnel and outside the concrete shielding and tangentially to the Storage Ring, there are the experimental research laboratories; named beamlines (nowadays there are 8 running, 3 under construction and 1under design). At each beamline the scientists use the synchrotron light generated by the accelerator for a wide variety of experiments.
The aim of this work is to explain ALBA’s external contractor’s management system based in our External Contractor’s Activity Procedure: steps, process, actors, and responsibilities as well as an overview of the Spanish legal framework.
It is not easy (in our case) to be able to comply with all legal requirements and at the same time to be practical & efficient but we try to find balance.
It includes common activities as, maintenance (preventive and corrective), and construction activities and at last, services (also called very low risk activities).
So, to go deeper the best approach is the current installation of our 3 new beamlines: LOREA, XAIRA & NOTOS during the normal Synchrotron operation.
In addition I’ll talk about the steps that H&S Office did during 2016 & 2017, in order to automate and make more agile this safety coordination process with the implementation of two important software tools: Health & Safety Service Desk (Jira ALBA internal software service) and an external platform, ASEM Web Services - Integra, to manage and control the work of external contractors on our site.
Health & Safety Service Desk is one of most important H&S Office daily tools. This software is a communication channels between departments in order to foresee safety matters providing tracking of different issues, among others the external contractor activity coordination.
ASEM Web Services – Integra is an external on-line platform where external contractors should upload all the documents requested to be exchanged during the coordination process (the regular documents to be exchanged according the legislation & specific ones requested by ALBA) and it validates it.
As well as, is a channel to guarantee that external contractors has been informed about main risks of
ALBA common activity and possible affectations and at the same time, to have a tracking of this legal compliance, without detriment of face-to-face training and safety meetings, for situations where risks of special gravity are involved.