Welcome to NEUWAVE-12!

The 12th edition of the Neutron Wavelength-dependent Imaging Workshop (NEUWAVE-12) is set to take place from September 1st to September 4th, 2024, in Lund, Sweden.
The NEUWAVE workshops gather prominent researchers worldwide in the field of energy-resolved neutron imaging, a cutting-edge methodology leveraging the energy/wavelength dependency of neutron transmission for enhanced quantitativity. NEUWAVE strives to promote collaboration and advance energy-resolved neutron imaging by facilitating the exchange of information and experiences in an intimate workshop setting. Key topics of the NEUWAVE workshop encompass the current status of neutron imaging instruments, the evolution of imaging methods (such as Bragg-edge imaging, resonance absorption imaging, and imaging utilizing neutron interference effects or polarized neutrons), the advancement of detectors and instrumentation, and applications of energy-resolved techniques.
The ODIN instrument at the European Spallation Source (ESS), set to receive first neutrons next year, can be considered as one of the outcomes of the discussions and collaborations nurtured by NEUWAVE, exemplifying the success of the NEUWAVE workshop series.
Previous NEUWAVE workshops were held in various locations:
- 2008: Garching, Germany
- 2009: Abingdon, UK
- 2010: Sapporo, Japan
- 2011: Gatlinburg, USA
- 2013: Lund, Sweden
- 2014: Garching, Germany
- 2015: Mito, Japan
- 2016: Abingdon, UK
- 2017: NIST, USA
- 2019: PSI, Switzerland
- 2023: Tokyo, Japan
NEUWAVE-12 will commence with the traditional walking discussion on Sunday, September 1st. We will take the ferry to the beautiful island Ven, formerly home to danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.
The main workshop sessions are scheduled from September 2nd to 4th, featuring both oral and poster presentations, as well as open discussions. Following the NEUWAVE tradition, a limited number of oral presentations have been accepted to allow substantial discussion time for each topic.
The first two days of the main workshop, September 2nd and 3rd, will take place at AF Borgen in central Lund, while the last day, September 4th, is scheduled to take place at ESS and will include a tour of the facility (a unique chance before the start of operations!). A workshop dinner, sponsored by Amsterdam Scientific Instruments, is planned for September 3rd at Hos Talevski i Stadsparken.
In addition to the main workshop, a satellite workshop on NCrystal (library for thermal neutron transport in crystals and other materials) will be held at LINXS (Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science) on September 5th.
NEUWAVE-12 is organized and sponsored by the European Spallation Source. Additional support is provided by Amsterdam Scientific Instruments and LoskoVision, who will respectively sponsor the dinner and a prize for the best poster.