6th ECP Workshop



Owen Arnold (STFC)

6th Experiment Control Program for ESS Controls and related DMSC activities.


Main events will take place at Coseners House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, some satellite sessions will be based at ISIS. Information provided against each session.


Lots of hotels and guest houses within walking distance of Coseners house. Some suggestions:


  • Organised Dinner 12th December at the Crown and Thistle 19:30-21:30.
  • If you have not visited the ISIS facility and wish to do so, please contact Owen Arnold ahead of the event.

Remote Participation 

You should be able to attend this as a VidyoMeeting on the ESS VidyoPortal.

Linux users will have to download the desktop application from https://vportal.esss.lu.se

For help getting started please visit our Knowledge Center at https://support.vidyocloud.com/hc/en-us

    • NICOS/Mantid Interop for FRMII Dev Team (Limited) Quiet Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Quiet Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Satellite Workshop at ISIS. This is being run for the benefit of FRMII Nicos developers. This session will likely not be of interest to developers outside the FRMII team, but please contact Lamar Moore if you wish to attend. Exact numbers are needed, so you must let Lamar Moore know you are coming. Hands-on coding where possible to solve issues.

      To make the session most useful, participants should bring laptops with development environments for both Nicos and Mantid.

      Lunch will be served to us in the room.

      Convener: Mr Lamar Moore (STFC/ISIS)
    • Data Streaming Meeting Hamilton Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Hamilton Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Set up at the request of Tobias Richter for his data streaming team. This session requires sign-up if you are interested in attending, and have not already indicated as such to Tobias Richter, please do so.

      The room will be available from 13:00.

      Convener: Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 1
        Meeting Kick-off and Planning
      • 2
        Plenary Discussions
        Work needed for V20 test * Forwarder * File Writer ECP Meeting preparations
      • 3
        Working in smaller Groups
      • 15:00
        Coffee Break
      • 4
        Working in smaller Groups
      • 5
        Plenary Wrap-up of Group Work
      • 6
        Meeting Close
        Coding Convention Risks and Mitigations Agenda and Tasks for Integration Milestone
    • Welcome Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Convener: Mr Owen Arnold (STFC)
    • Status of IBEX at ISIS Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Current developments and future plans

    • Status of Nicos at FRMII Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Updates from FRM2 of current developments and future directions

    • Status of Data Reduction project Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Quick update of Data Reduction activities and how they relate to experiment control and data streaming

    • Misc Status Updates Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Status updates no more than 15 minutes each!

      Convener: Mr Owen Arnold (STFC)
      • 7
        Status of V20 Integration
        Speaker: Jonas Nilsson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 8
        Motion Control Update
        Speaker: Torsten Bögershausen (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 9
        Sample Environment Update
        Speaker: Anders Pettersson (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • Break Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


    • Lewis in IBEX Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      How Lewis has been adopted into the IBEX build and development infrastructure. Lessons learned.

    • Other Emulator Discussions Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


    • Feedback from IKON 13 Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      NICOS feedback from IKON 13. Early user feedback.

      Conveners: Michael Hart (STFC), Mr Owen Arnold (STFC)
    • Lunch Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


    • Building UIs in NICOS Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      How to build custom UIs in NICOS

      Convener: Michael Hart (STFC)
    • Instrument User Interface Challenge

      User Interfaces modifications for NICOS. What technologies we could use. Do we consider remote access in the design? How much effort would it take? What is the priority? Maybe Mark Koennecke would lead that

      Convener: Dr Mark Koennecke (Paul Scherrer Institute)
    • Performance Testing the BrightnESS tool chain Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Conveners: Dominik Werder (Paul Scherrer Institut), Dr Michele Brambilla (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • Break Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


    • Kafka and NICOS integration Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Kafka and NICOS integration, Who informs NICOS about various brokers and topics. Who starts up all the services. Proposed file writer template structure.

      Convener: Mr Nikhil Biyani (PSI)
    • Interface to Data Streaming Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Control, feeding in of Nicos Python devices, use of Kafka as Nicos infrastructure - i.e. reading from Kafka

      Convener: Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • Visualisations for Ongoing Experiments Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Conveners: Michael Hart (STFC), Mr Owen Arnold (STFC)
    • Plans for roll-out or full system tests

      At what facilities/beamlines V20, SINQ?, ISIS?, others?

      Conveners: Mr Owen Arnold (STFC), Tobias Richter (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 19:45
      Organised Meal Sponsored by Tessella Crown and Thistle Hotel (Abingdon, Oxfordshire)

      Crown and Thistle Hotel

      Abingdon, Oxfordshire

      Meal hosted at the Crown and Thistle hotel https://www.crownandthistleabingdon.co.uk/christmas-party

    • Requirements for Soft Vetoing

      Where will this get done? What information can we go on? What will the performance be like.

    • Organisation Across Groups

      Tracking issues across ESS divisions. How to manage and coordinate better.

      Convener: Mr Owen Arnold (STFC)
    • Unscheduled Topics and Overflow from Tuesday

      Any other business

    • Workshop Conclusion and Close

      Conclusion for the workshop. This marks the finalisation of the workshop. Note that subsequent events require sign-up and may not be suited for the general participants of the workshop.

    • Working Lunch Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon

      Garden Room, Coseners House, Abingdon


      Working lunch provided as part of the meeting

    • Transport to Airport or RAL

      Individuals will be responsible for their own transport. Please contact Owen Arnold for advise on connections.

    • ISIS in-kind effort meeting (Closed) CR03, R61, RAL

      CR03, R61, RAL


      Closed meeting. Relevant participants already invited. This is not open to all attendees of the workshop.

      Convener: Jonathan Taylor (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • Tours of ISIS (Optional)

      Optional. Please contact Owen Arnold if you would like to attend.