Feb 13 – 15, 2018
Hotel Novotel Massy Palaiseau & LLB in Saclay
Europe/Stockholm timezone

How to get there

IKON14 will be held at the Hotel Novotel Massy Palaiseau.

Here is how to get to the hotel from both airports:


Option 1

Take Bus 91.10 from terminals Orly-West (Ouest) and Orly-South (Sud).
Terminal Ouest= Niveau 0, Porte I, Arrêt 10.
Terminal Sud= Niveau 0, Porte J ou L, Arrêt 5.

Price = €2 bought on board

Everyday, every 30 or 60 minutes from 05:30 to 21:00.
For details please visit: http://www.albatrans.net/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/06/Albatrans-91.06-AB-91.10-2015.pdf

Option 2

From both terminals West (Ouest) and South (Sud)

Every 5-7 mn between 6:00 to 23:35
Drives to Antony station on RER B.
Then take the train towards «Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse» and stop at «Massy-Palaiseau»


Follow signs: «Train to Paris», line RER B in the direction of Paris.

Terminal 2 is the last stop of the line but if you are arriving at terminal 1 and 3 please pay attention to go towards the right direction (Paris).
There is only the RER B line departing from CDG.
Then 2 out of 3 trains will go to Massy-Palaiseau, and 1/3 goes towards the right direction but will deviate at some point. Make sure to watch the screens that "Massy-Palaiseau" station is one of the station.

It takes approx. 1 hour

Train ticket from CDG are to be bought at the machines located close to the tracks.
Cost is approx. 11-12€

Runs every 10-15 minutes

For more information please visit the airports information page:  RER B at CDG

Useful link with different suggestion on how to get to Massy-Palaiseau from CDG, with prices: