Sep 8 – 12, 2019
Malmö, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Speaker Preparation Guidelines

  • Slides will use the 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Presentations must be uploaded at least half a day before their scheduled time in order to allow verification and transfer to the conference A/V file server system.
  • There will be absolutely no provision for authors to use their personal computers under any circumstances.
  • All presentations must be checked together with the speaker ready room.
  • Invited Orals: 25 mins + 5 mins questions
  • Contributed Orals: 15 mins + 5 mins questions

Once the presentations have been uploaded to the conference server, they can be checked on the conference computers provided in the Speaker Ready room.

Slides that have been successfully captured will be published in the web version of the proceedings without further action on the part of the speaker.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Presentation Manager for any questions you may have on how to prepare your oral presentation.

Upload of Presentations

Speakers are required to upload their presentation in exactly the same way as their contributions.
The files of the presentations should be uploaded to our fileserver as early as possible and no later than half a day before the presentation. Files should be named with the program code followed by “_talk”. E.g.

  • MOXAA1_talk.ppt
  • MOXAA1_talk.pdf

and then uploaded through the IBIC’19 SPMS Author Accounts. The program codes assigned to presentations are visible when logging into accounts, or via “Search”.

Those authors who are unable to upload to the server should copy the file on to a memory stick and bring it to the Speaker Ready room or Author Reception at least one day before the presentation.

Presentation Equipment and Software

Computers used for displaying presentations will be laptop PCs with Windows 10. There will be no provision for authors to use their personal computers under any circumstances. The Keynote format can be converted together with speaker ready room.

The following software will be pre-installed on the computers for the presentations: MS Office Powerpoint 2016, Firefox, Chrome and Adobe Acrobat 2017.

On the lectern, speakers will be presented with a screen to display their presentation, a laser pointer and remote control for slide advancement.          

A countdown timer will also be visible to the speaker with warning light for two minutes left (yellow) and end of presentation time (red).

Speaker Ready room         

All speakers are encouraged to visit this room one day before their presentation to verify their presentation are working correctly on laptops identical to those being used in the auditorium.

Speaker Ready room hours (Meeting Room - Dag Hammarskjöld, floor 5):
•    8 Sep, Sunday, 14:00 – 18:00 (16:00-18:00 is registration time, Welcome Recepiton is after 18:00)
•    9-11 Sep, Monday to Wednesday 08:15 – 18:00


During the Presentation

The session chair assistant will help speakers with their presentations and any minor issues. For technical AV issues an auditorium technician will be on hand to assist.

Conf. AV techician will start the presentation for you.