16–19 Oct 2016
Copenhagen University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Safety systems at the SAFARI-1 Neutron Diffraction Facility

19 Oct 2016, 09:50
Marble Hall (Copenhagen University)

Marble Hall

Copenhagen University

Thorvaldsensvej 40
Mini Oral Keynote Wednesday


Mr Deon Marais (Necsa SOC Limited)


Personnel safety is of primary importance at beam-line facilities at nuclear research installations which includes the establishment of a safe working environment and minimizing the risk of accidental exposure to ionizing radiation [1]. This can be achieved through robust engineering design of independent safety systems as well as following pre-determined safe working procedures. The SAFARI-1 Neutron Diffraction Facility accommodates two instruments on one reactor beam line. Thus many key features such as the in-pile collimator with its beam shaper, filtering system and the primary beam shutter are shared. From here on each facility functions independently with their own secondary beam shutters. To minimise potential risks that these secondary beam shutters may inadvertently be operated from the control console, key passive safety systems were implemented. This presentation will highlight some of the key safety features which include the interlock system of the primary and secondary beam shutters. The performance of the neutron beam stops will also be presented. **References** [1] South Africa. (2006). National nuclear regulator act (Act no 47 of 1999): on safety standards and regulatory practices. (Government notice no. R388). Government gazette, 28755, 28 April.

Primary author

Mr Christo Raaths (Necsa SOC Limited)


Dr Andrew Venter (Necsa SOC Limited) Mr Deon Marais (Necsa SOC Limited) Mr Rudolph Van Heerden (Necsa SOC Limited)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
