ECDC Workshop Spring 2023

Schurtenberger room, 5th floor (LINXS)

Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund

Day 1: Technical workshop with ECDC and invited teams. Location: LINXS.

Day 2: ECDC planning sessions. Location: ESS Site.


Slack channel: #workshop-spring2023-ecdc-and-friends


  • Tuesday, 28 February
    • 1
      Presentation about LINXS Schurtenberger room, 5th floor

      Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


      IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund
    • Technical discussions Schurtenberger room, 5th floor

      Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


      IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund
      • 2
        System Monitoring at ECDC
        Speaker: Morten Jagd Christensen (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 3
        ICS monitoring overview
        Speakers: Remy Mudingay (European Spallation Source ERIC), Stephane Armanet (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 4
        Discussion: User Interfaces for Troubleshooting

        We discuss the troubleshooting information needed by different personas, and how this information can be presented effectively.
        The three personas we consider are:
        - ESS end-user (visiting scientist)
        - Expert (instrument scientist)
        - Engineer (specialist in some part of the instrument like a chopper engineer, software engineer, ...)

      • 10:25
      • 5
        DST monitoring systems - status and plans
        Speaker: Jesper Rude Selknaes (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 6
        Deployment and testing for SWAP
        Speaker: Fredrik Bolmsten (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 7
        Discussion in groups
    • 12:00
    • Hands-on Schurtenberger room, 5th floor

      Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


      IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund
    • 14:40
      Break Schurtenberger room, 5th floor

      Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


      IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund
    • Technical discussions Schurtenberger room, 5th floor

      Schurtenberger room, 5th floor


      IDEON Building Delta 5, 5th and 6th floor Scheelevägen 19 223 70 Lund
      • 9
        Streamlining the deployment process
        Speaker: Afonso Mukai (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 10
        Discussion: EPICS module versioning and NICOS

        When EPICS modules are updated they can change the list of published PVs, and NICOS must be aware of it.
        In this session we discuss ways of managing this versioning across both NICOS and the EPICS layer.
        Some questions we may explore:
        - How do we coordinate upgrades between the EPICS layer and NICOS?
        - How do we document a given EPICS interface (i.e. the list of PVs of a given EPICS module version)?
        - How do we configure a given PV list in NICOS?
        - Should we have a way of testing if a given interface between NICOS and EPICS is valid?

        Speaker: Nicklas Holmberg (HiQ)
      • 11
        Hands-on: Exploring SciCat
        Speaker: Massimiliano Novelli
    • 12
      Pub Quiz John Bull

      John Bull

      Bantorget 2 222 29 Lund
  • Wednesday, 1 March
    • ECDC team sessions Titanium B01.120.4017 (ESS Site)

      Titanium B01.120.4017

      ESS Site

      • 13
        2022 Retrospective Titanium B01.120.4017

        Titanium B01.120.4017

        ESS Site

      • 10:20
        Break ESS Site

        ESS Site

      • 14
        Milestone Party Titanium B01.120.4017

        Titanium B01.120.4017

        ESS Site

        Milestone fun like you never thought possible.

    • 12:00
      Lunch ESS Site

      ESS Site

    • Site tour ESS Site

      ESS Site

      Convener: Stefanos Athanasopoulos (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 15:00
      Break ESS Site

      ESS Site

    • Hands-on Platinum B01.120.6005 (ESS Site)

      Platinum B01.120.6005

      ESS Site

      • 15
        (Cancelled) Provision and configure an instrument's software stack in 60 minutes

        Session cancelled