Florian Pose
(Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH)
25/05/2016, 09:30
Ralph Lange
(ITER Organization)
25/05/2016, 11:00
Within the ITER international organization, 35 nations are collaborating to build the world's largest fusion facility in the South of France. Most contributions are in-kind - integration of more than 200 plant systems will be the main challenge when building the control system.
To support the control system development of plant systems, ITER created CODAC Core System (CCS), a Linux...
Kalantari Babak
25/05/2016, 11:30
This talk gives a brief overview of the SwissFEL timing system, its current status and future plans.
Murali Shankar
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
25/05/2016, 11:45
The EPICS Archiver Appliance has been in production use at SLAC and other labs for more than three years now. Over the course of the last year, we have added new support for a web based viewer, gated ETL, readonly stores, more automation support, DBE_PROPERTIES, support for arbitrary PVData EPICS V4 PV's and various other features.
Mark Rivers
(University of Chicago)
25/05/2016, 12:00
This talk will focus on enhancements to the areaDetector package since it was last presented at the 2015 collaboration meeting at MSU. These include:
**NDPluginTimeSeries**: New plugin to for time-series data. The plugin accepts input arrays of dimensions [NumSignals] or [NumSignals, NewTimePoints]. Creates NumSignals 1-D arrays of dimension [NumTimPoints], each of which is the time-series...
Mark Rivers
(University of Chicago)
25/05/2016, 12:15
quadEM supports quad electrometers/picoammeters, typically used for photodiode-based x-ray beam position monitors, or split ion chambers. They can also be used for any low-current measurement that requires high speed digital input. There is support for several models:
- The AH401 series (AH401B, AH401D) and AH501 series (AH501, AH501C, AH501D) picoammeters originally designed by...
25/05/2016, 13:30
This session shall discuss issues around EPICS development: roadmap, wishes, contributions, codeathon ideas etc.
25/05/2016, 13:30
EtherCAT is gaining popularity as a control system platform. This session shall discuss the various initiatives in the community.
25/05/2016, 15:45
Discussion about support of different hardware platforms (RPi, MTCA, design sharing, open source solutions,FPGA...) in EPICS
25/05/2016, 15:45
EPICS Motor/motion control working group meeting (
25/05/2016, 15:45
Discussion about timing systems and related issues (hardware, drivers, timing-based applications, timestamping,...)
Dirk Zimoch
26/05/2016, 09:00
Many devices map their registers into CPU address space one or the other way. This driver maps such devices to EPICS records in a convenient, flexible and device independent way. It works with VME, PCI/PCIe and on many more memory mapped bus systems.
Jigneshkumar Patel
(ITER Organization)
26/05/2016, 09:15
A newly developed ASYN based S7 PLC driver has been part of CODAC Core System (CCS) since version 5.0. It supports regular Siemens S7 PLCs (300 & 400 series) and redundant PLCs (400 series) . With the recent CCSv5.2 release, three different type of communication channels are implemented: states/configuration, commands and events. For future release of CCS, support for native S7 communication...
Esquembri Sergio
(Universidad Politecnica de Madrid), Dr
Mariano Ruiz
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
26/05/2016, 09:45
IRIO Technology is a set of software tools developed for National Instruments Reconfigurable Input/Output (RIO) hardware, to simplify the development cycle and the integration of advanced data acquisition applications in EPICS. RIO devices are implemented using XILINX FPGAs. These reconfigurable devices have to be programmed using the LabVIEW for FPGA tool that works directly with the XILINX...
Timo Korhonen
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
26/05/2016, 10:30
The European Spallation Source control system will have people from several locations and institutes contributing to the control system. This poses a challenge to managing and integrating the different contributions. Based on a less known but nevertheless well-proven idea of a well-known EPICS community member, we have developed an environment that allows for efficient distributed development,...
Denis Stepanov
(ITER Organization)
26/05/2016, 10:45
Regular EPICS IOCs are configured using text files (database files, substitution files, ..). In the effort of standardization of controls development for ITER some of these files were re-expressed with XML equivalents. Areas of interest covered hardware description files (notably for I/O boards), EPICS device support, EPICS templates mechanism, PV definitions. Non-ITER specific XML schema for...
Denis Stepanov
(ITER Organization)
26/05/2016, 11:00
EPICS-based applications have well established build system, which allows for certain flexibility when it comes to compilation and packaging of controllers software (I&C). Understanding that for ITER most of the EPICS based-projects will be built by off-site developers, not always in contact with the central integration team, ITER came up with a set of tools allowing for common approach for...
Kanglin Xu
(Los Alamos Natl Lab)
26/05/2016, 11:15
In this EPICS collaboration meeting, we present a complete IRMIS system at LANSCE of Los Alamos National Laboratory. The introduction focuses on the implementation and application of the relational database schema developed by the EPICS community. Partic- ularly, we discuss how to extend the existing database schema at our specific site. We also introduce the accelerator daily log management...
Nicolas Senaud
(CEA Saclay/Irfu)
26/05/2016, 11:30
CEA Irfu Saclay is involved as a control system in-kind contributor to the ESS project. Since summer 2015, we are integrating the ESS EPICS Environment (EEE) and we are extending it to use it inside Docker containers. This talk is an overview of the integration process of EEE and of our current and future developments.
Gillian Black
(Canadian Light Source)
26/05/2016, 11:45
The Canadian Light Source PV Monitor provides system status for the 400 IOCs in our EPICS network, and status and location for the 370,000 PV’s hosted by those IOC’s. Keeping the PV monitor up to date on all the PV’s that are new, lost, moved, restarted or multiply served requires rapid scanning of all known PV’s. We present a technique using purely native Python code that scans PV status...
Michael Bree
(Canadian Light Source)
26/05/2016, 12:00
The Canadian Light Source (CLS) PV Monitor provides system status for the CLS EPICs network, which consists of some 370,000 PVs hosted by 950 EPICs Applications running on 400 IOCs. The existing EPICs beacon, while useful, does not fully expose system status. We present an EPICs "heartbeat" that requires a 1-line code change in any EPICs Application. The CLS PV Monitor is able to determine...
Andrew Starritt
(Australian Synchrotron)
26/05/2016, 13:15
The Australian Synchrotron Facility is has been in operation since 2006. Over the last couple of years, a Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) system for the Storage Ring has been planned, designed and is currently being developed. The presentation will provide a system overview together with more detailed information of three keys aspects. The EPICS IOC to FPGA interface, the algorithm validation using...
Kristian Ambrosch
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
26/05/2016, 13:30
The design of the SwissFEL the RF system consists of four different modulator types from two manufacturers, Ampegon and Scandinova, supporting three different frequency bands, S-Band, C-Band, and X-Band. To enable the operator a transparent operation of all modulators without specific knowledge about the underlying device we present the EPICS RF control system, which provides a generic...
Chris Turner
(Diamond Light Source)
26/05/2016, 14:00
Beamlines at many synchrotrons are using continuous or fly scanning to reduce experimental dead time, and many facilities are using hardware to trigger detectors based encoder position, regular time interval, or some external source. In 2015, a collaborative project was started between Synchrotron Soleil and Diamond Light source to upgrade their existing systems (SPIETBOX and ZEBRA) with a...
Anders Sandström
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
26/05/2016, 14:15
A motion control software for EtherCAT hardware using the
open source EtherCAT master ( has
been developed.
The motion control software functionalities includes motor
record functionalities: positioning, jogging, homing and soft/hard limits.
Other functionalities supported by the motion control software are axis
synchronization, a scripting language for custom...
David Michel
26/05/2016, 14:30
The Central Laser Facility (CLF) has been developing a novel high power and high repetition rate laser system for which Tessella Ltd has been developing the control system software using EPICS.
Aside from the integration of a large amounts of various instruments, hardware equipment as well as 3rd party custom devices, the laser system also required a high level of automation, including...
Xiaojun Liu
(Institute of Modern Physics)
26/05/2016, 14:45
SSC-Linac is a linear accelerator injector of SSC in HIRFL.The vacuum control system is based on EPICS which is a real-time distributed control software.The Labview real-time VIs and EPICS VIs were used to design Input/Output Controller(IOC).The different kinds of CRIO modules were adopt in device layer,which can monitor the serial port data from vacuum gauges and contol vacuum valves.The...
Miroslaw Dach
(M. Dach Consulting GmbH)
26/05/2016, 15:00
MATLAB is a powerful data processing and modeling tool, which is used in research organizations worldwide. As a rule, MATLAB is deployed as an integrated part of a well-developed computing and research data management environment. In particular, scientists and engineers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland traditionally implement their numerous MATLAB applications for dealing...
Rolf Keitel
26/05/2016, 16:15
At TRIUMF we have developed a Qt-based Strip-tool and an Alarm Handler. They will be discussed and compared to the existing Motif-based EPICS applications.
Kay Kasemir
Megan Grodowitz
26/05/2016, 16:30
The 'BOY' opibuilder is probably the most important component of CS-Studio, used successfully in many projects around the world.
The display builder is an update that aims to stay highly compatible, but at the same time allows for better performance and long term maintenance.
Theo Larrieu
(Jefferson Lab)
26/05/2016, 17:00
At Jefferson Lab, we have implemented an archiver based system for saving and restoring EPICS PVs that replaces the previous BURT (Backup and Restore Tool) based system. The new system, MyRestore, consists of the Mya Archiver after which it's named, a MySQL database with web interface for managing restore set definitions, and command line and GUI tools for user interaction with the...
Yong HU
(Brookhaven National Lab)
26/05/2016, 17:15
MASAR is an EPICS V4 service which does MAchine Snapshot, Archiving, and Retrieve. This software was originally developed at NSLS-II and has been one of the most important tools for NSLS-II accelerator commissioning and routine operation. Just like EPICS Channel Access (CA) which has CA client and CA server, MASAR system has MASAR client and MASAR server. The server takes machine snapshots,...
Matthew Gibbs
27/05/2016, 08:30
Web technologies are an increasingly appealing platform for building control system user interfaces. A python-based web service has been developed to transmit real-time channel access and PVAccess data over a websockets connection, to drive interactive web applications. Details of this service, and examples of web applications that use it will be presented.
Juniper Willard Willard
(Canadian Light Source)
27/05/2016, 09:00
Methods of testing software are always an issue. Despite a movement in industry to increase testing of software in all forms, development of academic software (including that for control systems) often lags in this regard [1]. When testing is accomplished, it is rarely automated, and often accomplished in an ad-hoc manner. This results in delays, inconsistency, and uncertainty in reliability....
Johan Bengtsson
(EPIC Consulting),
Michael Davidsaver
(EPIC Consulting)
27/05/2016, 09:15
We outline the strategy for and summarize on the result of an effective collaboration for providing an on-line model for the commissioning of the FRIB (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams). For numerical efficiency, the model is based on the beam envelope formalism for Linacs from the 1980s and an elaborate RF cavity model developed by FRIB. The following topics will be covered:...
Michael Davidsaver
(Osprey DSC)
27/05/2016, 09:30
Recent development work to create a pvaccess gateway and IOC integration.
Murali Shankar
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
27/05/2016, 10:30
At SLAC, we have started using EPICS V4 as a container for various microservices. One service maintains a list of PV Names in the accelerator in redis; this information is used to drive a lookup service. The same information is also used to drive a V3 name service. A V4 hist service exposes information from the archiver; V4 is also used as the integration glue to expose information from the...
Ralph Lange
(ITER Organization)
27/05/2016, 10:45
Less significant bits from the EPICS Base 3.15 series.
Recent additions to the "current" release series that might have gone unnoticed, but deserve highlighting.
Andrew Johnson
27/05/2016, 11:00
The usual round-up of release information and plans from the core developers.
Timo Korhonen
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
27/05/2016, 11:15