Software Workshop on Engineering Diffraction

M10A+B (Data Management and Software Centre)


Data Management and Software Centre

COBIS Ole Maaløesvej 3 2200 Copenhagen N Denmark
Robin Woracek (European Spallation Source ERIC), Thomas Holm Rod (European Spallation Source ERIC)
The purpose of this workshop is to get a good understanding of the requirements to instrument software for engineering diffraction at ESS, specifically for the instrument BEER. Instrument software here means the software (and hardware) that the ESS Data Management and Software Centre is responsible for providing (i.e. software for instrument control, DAQ, data management, data reduction, data analysis, modelling and the underpinning hardware). The DMSC STAP has specifically requested that a better understanding of the requirements to analysis and modelling software is achieved, including the requirements for interfacing to this kind of software.
BEER Software requirements (before workshop)
BEER Software requirements (updated)
Map - Ibsens Hotel and DMSC
Practical Info
    • 11:30 12:10
      Light Lunch 40m
    • 12:10 12:30
      Welcome & Introduction: who is who
    • 12:30 13:00
      Intro of DMSC
      • 12:30
        General DMSC 30m
        Speakers: Jonathan Taylor (European Spallation Source ERIC), Thomas Holm Rod (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 13:00 13:45
      BEER instrument team
      Conveners: Christian Jacobsen (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung), Gregor Nowak (Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht), Dr Jan Saroun (ASCR - Nuclear Physics Institute), Dr Jochen Fenske (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Dr Premysl Beran (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)
    • 13:45 14:15
      DMSC: Status Software for Diffraction + Engineering Diffraction 30m
      - What is planned so far for engineering diffraction
      Speaker: Thomas Holm Rod (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 14:15 14:45
      Coffee 30m
    • 14:45 18:15
      What software do succesful beamlines have?
      • 14:45
        Stress-Spec 15m
        Speaker: Joachim Wuttke
      • 15:00
        TAKUMI 15m
        Speaker: Stefanus Harjo
      • 15:15
        SMARTS 15m
        Speaker: Bjørn Clausen
      • 15:30
        ENGIN-X 15m
        Speakers: Joe Kelleher, Saurabh Kabra
      • 15:45
        HIPPO 15m
        Speaker: Sven Vogel
      • 16:00
        Break 30m
      • 16:30
        Workshop: What of this do we plan to have/what is missing 1h 45m
    • 19:00 22:00
      Dinner at Nørrebro Bryghus

    • 09:00 10:00
      Data reduction
      • 09:00
        experiences from POLDI 15m
        Speaker: Michael Wedel (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 09:15
        Experiences from commissioning ENGIN-X 15m
        Speakers: Javier Santisteban, Joe Kelleher, Saurabh Kabra
      • 09:30
        Discussion 30m
    • 10:00 10:25
      Coffee 25m
    • 10:25 11:10
      Multiplexing at BEER
      • 10:25
        Multiplexing: Concept 15m
        Speaker: Dr Jan Saroun (ASCR - Nuclear Physics Institute)
      • 10:40
        First Results (Simulation + Experiment) 15m
        Speakers: Gregor Nowak (Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht), Dr Jochen Fenske (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
      • 10:55
        Discussion 15m
    • 11:10 12:00
      Scientific capabilities for BEER I
      • 11:10
        Software for texture analysis (MAUD) 20m
        Speaker: Luca Lutterotti
      • 11:30
        Line profile analysis 20m
        Speaker: Tamas Ungar
      • 11:50
        Single crystal diffraction software 10m
        - ESS will organize a workshop focusing on the software needs for single crystal diffraction. later this year. - We should briefly discuss if BEER will have specific requirements/could benefit from the planned single crystal data workflow and data bases (e.g. Bilbao Crystallographic Server, CrysFML, CCSD).
        Speaker: Celine Durniak (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 12:00 13:00
    • 13:00 14:00
      Scientific capabilities for BEER II
      • 13:00
        3D-ND 20m
        Speaker: Søren Schmidt
      • 13:20
        Discussion 40m
    • 14:00 14:30
      Coffee 30m
    • 14:30 15:30
      Workshop: The way forward
      • revisit the requirement matrix from day 1 (adjust and complete)
    • 15:30 16:30
      • how to proceed/follow up after this workshop?
      • End of meeting