DMSC STAP: Update from SWAP - Scientific Web Application
Update from SWAP15m
Short update on status and what has happened since last STAP.
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
Present areas where there is a wish for STAP advice
Fredrik Bolmsten(European Spallation Source ERIC)
DMSC STAP: Update from DST - Data Systems and Technologies
Update from DST15m
Short update on status and what has happened since last STAP.
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
Present areas where there is a wish for STAP advice
DMSC STAP: Update from DRAM - Data Reduction and Modeling and and Update from IDS - Instrument Data Scientist Group
Update from DRAM20m
Short update on status and what has happened since last STAP.
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
Present areas where there is a wish for STAP advice
Torben Roland Nielsen(European Spallation Source ERIC)
Short update on status and what has happened since last STAP.
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
Present areas where there is a wish for STAP advice
Thomas Holm Rod(European Spallation Source ERIC)
DMSC STAP: Update from ECDC - Experiment Control and Data Curation
Update from ECDC15m
Short update on status and what has happened since last STAP.
How have the STAP recommendations been handled?
Present areas where there is a wish for STAP advice