4th Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-4)

15 May room 6-2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin // 16 May Council Chamber 503-1-001 (CERN)

15 May room 6-2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin // 16 May Council Chamber 503-1-001


Dear all I am happy to invite you to the 4th Open Collaboration Meeting on Superconducting Linacs for High Power Proton Beams (SLHiPP-4), which will take place at CERN, Geneva. Please register already today, but latest on April 28. For accommodation we have pre-booked rooms at CERN hostel, but also at two hotels on the French side, situated beside each other. Transportation will be arranged, but they also have their own shuttle. You have to confirm your hotel room directly with the hotels before beginning of April. The CERN hostel to be confirmed via Caroline. See more detailed info under the Accommodation tab. There will be a common dinner on Thursday evening at Chateau de Vesancy. Wishing you most Welcome to CERN! The organizing committee through Caroline Prabert